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Shelled Hemp Hearts

Hundreds of thousands of Hemp Hearts™, Shelled Hemp Seeds, and customers typically begin by using Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, as a supplement to starch-prominent diets. Virtually all of these customers notice that whenever they add small amounts of Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, to ordinary starch-prominent diets they experience softer, more frequent bowel movements. Those who especially value their improved regularity usually continue to use Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, in this marginal manner. Unless they subsequently learn to avoid the consumption of starches, however, these customers are usually unable to increase their consumption of Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, without often experiencing very loose bowel movements. Because these customers are not able to use significant amounts of Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, daily, their health surveys do not teach us anything of value about the potential benefits of using Hemp Hearts™, shelled hemp seeds, in much larger quantities.

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